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University of Mississippi


See Dr. Dixon’s and graduate students’ CVs for a complete account of research activities


Recent HART Lab Publications


Dixon, L. J., *Witcraft, S M., & *Schadegg, M. J. (2021). COVID-19 anxiety and mental health among university students during the early phases of the US pandemic. Journal of American College Health.


*Schadegg, M. J., *Clark, H. L., & Dixon, L. J. (2021). Evaluating anxiety sensitivity as a moderator of misophonia and dimensions of aggression. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders.


*Boullion, G. Q., *Witcraft, S. M., *Schadegg, M. J., Perry, M. M., & Dixon, L. J., (2021). Emotion regulation difficulties and depression among individuals with dermatological and body dysmorphic concerns. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.


+Ellison, L. E., *Witcraft, S. M., & Dixon, L. J. (2020, in press). Anxiety sensitivity and social anxiety in adults with psychodermatological symptoms. Archives of Dermatological Research.


*Witcraft, S. M., Wickenhauser, M. E., Maack, D. J., & Dixon, L. J. (2020). What sensitivities matter in dental anxiety? Investigating sensitivity to anxiety, pain, and disgust. Psychology, Health, and Medicine.


Buhk, A. H., *Schadegg, M. J., Dixon, L. J., & Tull, M. T. (2020). Investigating the role of negative and positive emotional avoidance in the relation between generalized anxiety disorder and depression symptom severity. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 16, 103 – 108.


Dixon, L. J., & Snorrason, I. (2019). Prevalence and clinical characteristics of skin picking among adults with skin disease symptoms. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 22, 1000454.


*Witcraft, S. M., Smith, C. V., Pollard, M. A., & Dixon, L. J. (2019). Is Greek affiliation a prescription for drug abuse? Examining misuse of prescription stimulants and downers in high school and college. Journal of American College Health, 18, 1-5.


Dixon, L. J., Cohen, R. T., Baer, M. M., Gratz, K. L., & Tull, M. T. (2019). Relations of anxiety sensitivity dimensions to nonsuicidal self-injury frequency and versatility among patients with substance use disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 75, 1613-1625.


Dixon, L. J., *Witcraft, S. M., & *Perry, M. M. (2019). How does anxiety affect adults with skin disease? Examining the indirect effect of anxiety symptoms on impairment through anxiety sensitivity. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 43, 14-23.


Dixon, L. J., & *Witcraft, S. M. (2020). Anxiety and Skin Disease. In L. Cohen (Ed.) Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley


Dixon, L. J., *Witcraft, S. M., McCowan, N. K., & Brodell, R. T. (2018). Stress and skin disorder quality of life: The moderating role of anxiety sensitivity social concerns. British Journal of Dermatology, 178, 951-957.


*indicates graduate student author; +undergraduate student